Domingo and Santa got baptized on Saturday!!!!!!! My companion Sister Ihler and I stood at the water's edge and I was just in tears during the
baptism. I feel so so so so lucky to be a part of this work. I have no idea how
I could ever be worthy of all of this but I am so grateful for my Savior and
Heavenly Father for blessing me with this really sweet and sacred experience. I
hope all of you that are planning to serve will work hard to make your mission
sweet and sacred. It really is such an incredible and unique opportunity. We
set a new date with Manuel in July and are hoping that he will prepare himself
along with his cousin Jose and we are hoping that Domingo will have the
priesthood by that time so he can baptize them! The work is really moving along
here and I am just so excited to see what's next!
The magical trio!
Guess what? We got a third! We got a call Thursday night
from President asking us if we were ready for change and we said of course! He
sent Hermana Idso (I was with her in the MTC) over to Paducah and we are so
excited! She is so incredible and brings such a powerful spirit to the work.
She is exactly what we needed!
We had the beautiful opportunity last night to listen to the
Leaders of the Church speak to us during the Mission Broadcast last
night. I really hope that all of you made the time to go to that. It was truly
inspiring and it is very very very clear that the Lord needs ALL of our help in
this work. What are you doing to share the gospel with others? When are you
going to invite the Missionaries over to teach someone that you love and
care about? Do you have the faith to be a tool in the Lord's hands? Are you
expecting miracles? Are you exercising your faith? To those that are not
members, I strongly encourage you to invite the missionaries at least one time
to share the message of the Restoration with you. I promise that this is
something that will help your family and this will help you to be forever with
your family. This message is life changing if you open your heart and truly
listen you will feel the love of your Heavenly Father in a very powerful way.
Domingo was pointing to us because he wanted his kids in
Guatemala to know who taught them about the gospel, so sweet!
Me and the McCrady's little boy Jacob- they help us sooo
much- Brother McCrady baptized the pastor family
I love you all so much. I want you to know how much I love
this gospel. I want you to know that I know that Joseph Smith was truly a
prophet. He truly saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and because he had
the courage to tell the truth at the age of 14, he helped restore Christ's true
church to the earth through the power of God. I know that The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints is more than a church, it is the true and only way
back to our Heavenly Father and to our heavenly home with our families forever.
I know that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and it is only through Him that we can
receive all of the blessings that our Heavenly Father has in store for us and
our families. I leave these things with you as a true representative of our
Savior and say these things in His name, Jesus Christ, amen.
Hermana Knight
Sister Ihler cleaning out the nasty font that was covered
with like 10 creepy crawly spiders we had to kill!
Domingo & Santa the day of their baptism
In Metropolis with Superman
(not me huh?....)