Monday, September 23, 2013

A deer hit our car - not Vice Versa!

All the Hermanas in the Mission!

First things first- last night when we were in a trio with Sister Daines and she was driving, a deer ran full on into our car. Poor thing. Don't worry, it was okay and ran away perfectly fine. Also, the car is okay too. Now it's just a funny story!

Best news ever- JOSE GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!! But the best part is that Domingo baptized him!! It has been such a blessing to see that happening! To see someone that I love and was just baptized 3 months ago baptizing another person that I love! Being a missionary is such a blessing! Being able to help others come to our Savior is the greatest thing.

Domingo and Santa are super nervous but super excited because their son Jose who's 15 just left Guatemala on Friday to start the trek up here to Paducah! He will travel on foot, truck or bus the entire way. We were watching pioneer videos yesterday with them and it just hit me so hard that Santa and Domingo and their family have done the same thing- they travel countless miles to have a better life together. We talked about how part of the reason they were led to come here was not only to provide better for their family but also to receive the blessings of the gospel. I know that Heavenly Father led them here to hear the message of the Restoration of the gospel and to learn how they can be with their family forever.

 Ana and Jose are best friends- it's so cute! He had us put this picture of the two of them on his baptismal program

I know that we can look back in our lives and see that Heavenly Father has truly guided us. I know that in my life especially, I had to travel through some pretty difficult things to get to where I am but I know that it is all part of the plan that Heavenly Father has for me. I know that in the end His plan is for me to return to Him and live with my family forever. We just need to continue with faith and trust in our God. I found out Saturday that I will be staying in Paducah for another transfer. I love this area, I LOVE the people here but for some unspoken reasons I was just really ready to leave and so it was hard to hear that news. I know that the Lord has need of me here whether I can see it or not. He will not put us in places where we cannot grow. I am choosing to look at these next 6 weeks as a time to grow and I am choosing to have joy and to love every second of it. I've already seen so many miracles here in Paducah and I can't wait to see what else the Lord has prepared!

I love you all so much and am so grateful for your support and encouragement.

Hermana Knight

Those are the Sisters from my district in the MTC

Some of us in the district having fun- it was Elder Huffaker's last meeting because he's going home this week!

Kentucky Country

The cutest caterpillar ever!

Ana told me she was an American and not only that- but that she was Hermana Knight!
Ana as santa claus and me as a reindeer!

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